< img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=159507957929601&ev=PageView&noscript=1" /> Speed (B70)-Gaming Mouse Mat (Smooth - Large)-Bloody Official Website
Gaming Mouse Mat (Smooth - Large)
Smooth, Frictionless, Absolute precision

Delicate smooth surface mouse mat is suitable for speed required game play, such as RTS real-time strategy games. The lesser surface resistance, the faster and smoother game control.

Optimized for both speed and control

Perfect for both speed and control, Bloody features a cloth surface that gives you extreme accuracy and comfort. The precise, consistent surface feels your every mouse movement, so you hold every action by yourself!

Tech Specs
B-070 (Large)
16.9 x 13.7 x 0.15 in
43 x 35 x 0.4cm
Product Size